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Kelli (McNamara) Beauregard

Director, Defined Contribution Consultant at BlackRock

I am incredibly encouraged by the progress I've seen in my time so far but excited to see much more. As more female leaders have their voices elevated in the industry, I'd like to see more women named to top leadership positions across the board. There is still a clear lack of diversity at the top of the retirement industry but with the work of organizations like WIPN and DEI initiatives across firms, I am very hopeful that we will get there.

Whenever I find something that makes a difference in my own life - positive or negative - I always try to share that with others in hopes that they can benefit from the lessons I have learned along the way. This holds especially true when it comes to my professional journey as I share my story with others who may be interested in hearing it. It's important for future generations of women to understand how far we have come but also to appreciate the struggles faced by those before them. Perhaps more importantly, I believe being a role model in the retirement industry means leading by example. I offer support and elevate other women around me whenever I have the opportunity as I believe that is the key to our progress as a collective group. When one of us experiences success, we can all share in that when we are all supporting each other. I feel our industry exemplifies this perhaps more than others, and that is one of the many reasons I am proud to be a part of it.

Like many in the industry, I got into this business by accident and certainly never expected to still be here almost 20 years later! When my parents shut me off financially after 4 years of college, I took the first job I could find in a customer service role at a large financial services firm. I enjoyed the experience although it was not really related to my degree, and I quickly rose through the ranks into a sales role. When the financial crisis hit, I was unfortunately one of the many to be let go, and so I took a year off to ‘figure out what I wanted to be when I grow up.’ My next position was outside the industry, and it quickly made me realize that I missed financial services. The universe aligned by reconnecting me with a former colleague who was looking to hire for a DCIO position. I jumped at the opportunity and thus re-started my career with a dedication to the retirement space. My journey has included a few gut checks along the way and each time I'm reminded of why this is where I was meant to be. There are also many colleagues and friends who have supported me and sometimes I think it's the people I get to work with every day that make my job most fulfilling.

, my involvement with WIPN over the last few years has helped me learn and grow professionally in ways I never could have imagined. I am beyond grateful for the education, resources and support that WIPN provides and look forward to contributing to the continued growth of the organization.