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Lisa Anderson, M.S., RPA

Senior Manager, Retirement and Financial Education

Indiana Public Retirement System (INPRS)

Why did you choose to step forward and join the WIPN Board for 2023? I’ve been on the DE&I committee since its inception. Working with WIPN Vice President Rosalyn Brown and other committee members has been an incredible experience, as we’ve created events with engaging content and programming that advocates for change in the industry. Chairing the committee will allow me to play an even more integral part of this important mission.

What is your vision for the role in 2023? To continue the journey to make the financial services industry a more diverse and inclusive space for all of us to thrive. We’ll continue to provide opportunities for connections, understanding and growth in conjunction with empowering content, tools and resources to be champions for change.

Tell us about a WIPN-inspired story that had an impact on you. I struggled during the pandemic lockdown with feeling extremely disconnected. Participating in the small group mentoring circle lead by ML Wattman and former Board member Cindy Horn Kennedy was the highlight of my month. I connected with 6 other women in a safe, supportive space that gave me strength and inspiration to persevere.

Which of the following word(s) - influence, transformative, vanguard, or dynamic - would you use to describe WIPN and why? Vanguard! WIPN is at the forefront of leading and influencing change in the financial services industry. We engage thought leaders, partner in research studies, and empower our members and allies to advocate for change.

What changes do you want to see for women in the retirement industry in the next 5 - 10 years? First, we need more women in leadership roles and at equal pay of their male counterparts, but equally important, is legislation, products, and services that address the widening wealth gap and difficulties of economic mobility in the U.S.[vc_separator color="purple" border_width="5"][vc_single_image image="17983" img_size="250x250" alignment="center" parallax_scroll="no" woodmart_inline="no"]

Kim Ryan

Managing Consultant at My Corporate Ally

Why did you choose to step forward and join the WIPN Board for 2023? Throughout my career in financial services, I have always been passionate about women’s advocacy. In a prior role, I served as national lead for a women’s employee resource group covering over 3,000 members. While my role in the industry has evolved, I have continued to support women’s initiatives and to serve as a mentor. The WIPN board position provides an opportunity for me to have an industry wide impact. I strongly believe that proactive advocacy is critical for women’s roles, especially within financial services.

What is your vision for the role in 2023? I think we have an excellent opportunity to help WIPN gain efficiencies and improve the experience to help increase membership and drive engagement. This starts by understanding what the desired future state is and where our best opportunities are for change. It’s important that WIPN leaders have a voice in what tools are needed to perform roles and create a better experience for our members. I am looking forward to leading this work to evolve our technology and operational functions.

Tell us about a WIPN-inspired story that had an impact on you. One of the things that always inspires me about women’s networks is the power of coming together for a common cause. Whether its spending time at a local chapter group outing, attending a WIPN-sponsored session at a national event or even one-on-one mentoring, there is a fresh perspective that comes from a supportive and safe network. Spending time with other members validates that we are all in this together and have similar challenges - this can be very empowering.

Which of the following word(s) - influence, transformative, vanguard or dynamic - would you use to describe WIPN and why? Influence – I have found WIPN’s platform and agenda to be well recognized and respected within the retirement space. There is a level of influence that garners support from both members and the industry as a whole. The breadth of the membership supported by the depth of the organization as a whole creates an unparalleled network.

What changes do you want to see for women in the retirement industry in the next 5 - 10 years? Over the next 5-10 years, I believe that there will continue to be a shift from some of the legacy organizations and leadership to more modern companies and leaders. I am hopeful that with this shift, we will start to see more prominence of women at all levels and in all types of roles within organizations. I am certain that women will need to continue to work together and advocate for one another and align opportunities where possible.[vc_separator color="purple" border_width="5"][vc_single_image image="17985" img_size="250x250" alignment="center" parallax_scroll="no" woodmart_inline="no"]

Roberta Hess, CEO, CMO, Founder

Princeton Marketing

Why did you choose to step forward and join the WIPN Board for 2023? I helped start the Philadelphia WIPN chapter and served as Northeast Regional leader so joining the WIPN Board to serve our 32 chapters nationwide was a natural next step.

What is your vision for the role in 2023? Serving our 64 chapter co-chairs is so important. My vision for the role is strengthen the way we operate, share ideas across the country, and help co-chairs reach members of their communities that would not otherwise have had the opportunity to network outside of their firm.

Tell us about a WIPN-inspired story that had an impact on you. When I restarted my consulting practice over half of my new clients came from WIPN members or their referrals. Now that is the power of this network!

Which of the following word(s) - influence, transformative, vanguard or dynamic - would you use to describe WIPN and why? Influence – our annual research is providing much needed data to frame and drive the change that is needed for women.

What changes do you want to see for women in the retirement industry in the next 5 - 10 years? I want the pay gap to disappear for all women, especially those of color. I would like equality to be so evident that we no longer need woman based advocacy groups – that the goal of the organization would be networking and professional development for all. The W in WIPN stands for We – men and women alike.[vc_separator color="purple" border_width="5"][vc_single_image image="17982" img_size="250x250" alignment="center" parallax_scroll="no" woodmart_inline="no"]

GRP Financial

SVP, Business Development

What is your vision for the role in 2023? I want to inspire the younger generation and make WIPN a group that really supports and lifts each other up. We all have our challenges with demanding careers, relationships, and work life balance, etc. I want to put together events that are meaningful, help provide inspiring speakers and agendas, make connections, and help cultivate more relationships within our industry.

Tell us about a WIPN-inspired story that had an impact on you. There are quite a few that I can name but most recently, I had undergone a few hard months. There are a few women in the group that I was able to confide in who made me feel supported and strong. Our chapter had an event titled, “Be Fearless” with an amazing speaker who talked about her struggles and rise to her position as an influencer in her organization - the topic was so perfect. I had a surprise guest show up - a woman who I randomly met who was a Boston Marathon bombing victim and survivor. She graciously came up and told her story with me - specifically on how you find the strength to keep gong even though you don’t think you can. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the place, and I was so proud of how it all worked out.

Which of the words - would you use to describe WIPN and why? I would say valuable, transformative, and inspiring. I have learned so much from my time as co-chair and met so many people and developed lifetime connections. My personal involvement has helped build my confidence and, in many ways, contributed positively to my career as I know it can do the same for many other women.

What changes do you want to see for women in the retirement industry in the next 5 - 10 years? I want to see more women advancing in their roles, knowing they have a voice and that it is heard. It can be difficult to navigate male-dominated organizations and finding a seat at the table, but I have found that it takes confidence, having mentors and sponsors (including males) that champion you along the way. I truly believe that WIPN can help this cause and we really need to see more women supporting each other.